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Search results

  1. If I search for a phrase (e.g. alarm permit), will the results only show exact matches?

    Community Search Tips and Tricks 2.00 ...

    07/27/2016 - 6:26pm

  2. Outside Water Users

    before the 10th of the month after the last reading (Jan., Apr., Jul. or Oct. 10th) and the appropriate ...

    04/04/2019 - 1:23pm

  3. Cable Utility Cmte.

    09-18-2017 Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Cable Utility Cmte. ... cuc-m2017-09-18.pdf ! PUBLIC NOTICE CABLE UTILITY COMMITTEE September 18, 2017 HCTV Access Center Benson Park 19 ... meeting. General Consensus reached directing the Chairman to attend the October 10, 2017 Board of Selectmen ...

    03/20/2024 - 10:50am

  4. Fiscal Year 2023- Budget

    follows: To amend §334-10 to eliminate the requirement for a special exception from the ZBA for mixed-use ... by 10-feet for buildings with a footprint of 100,000 square feet and additionally at a rate of 10 ... improved part of the nonresidential development. (Disapproved by Planning Board 6-1) Article 09 Police ...

    01/28/2022 - 11:24am

  5. Letter- Friars Drive, Hudson February 21, 2022

    Price Square Feet Date 212 Fox Hollow $200,000 994 5/9/2019 232 Fox Hollow $240,000 994 10/29/2020 537 ... Fox Hollow $240,000 994 12/10/2020 316 Fox Hollow $205,000 994 1/6/2021 622 Fox Hollow $235,000 994 ... 631 Fox Hollow $190,000 1,036 6/10/2019 838 Fox Hollow $200,000 1,036 6/26/2019 914 Fox Hollow ...

    02/28/2022 - 9:45am

  6. Sustainability Cmte.

    09-23-24 Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings ... Sustainability Cmte. sus-a2024-09-23.pdf 1 of 3 TOWN OF HUDSON Sustainability Committee Agenda Debra Putnam, ... collection will be allowed to purchase up to three additional Passes at $30.00 per pass each calendar year. ...

    09/20/2024 - 10:50am

  7. Budget Cmte.

    Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Budget Committee MInutes 10. 6. 2021 Unassigned ... Allegiance C. Attendance D. Public Input E. Acceptance of Minutes (6 Oct 2021) F. Reports from Liaisons a. ... PM.budget_committee_minutes_10._6._2021.pdf Budget Committee (BC) Meeting Minutes 10- 06-2021 A. Call to Order  Chairman Richard Weissgarber ...

    11/15/2021 - 9:05am

  8. Conservation Comm.

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, July 10, 2023- 7:00pm Conservation Commission Agenda ... 07-10-23 Conservation Commission Minutes 07-10-23 Conservation Commission Video 07-10-23 Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Conservation Commission Packet ...

    08/04/2023 - 1:35pm

  9. Town Election

    Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings Town Election fy25_town_warrant_-_final.pdf Town ... $10,024,069 $10,406,762 $0 $10,406,762 $0 4215 Ambulances $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4220 Fire 02 $8,638,044 $8,681,992 ... $0 $0 $0 $0 4313 Bridges 09 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 Purpose: Melendy Road Bridge Rehabilitation 4319 ...

    02/06/2024 - 2:13pm

  10. Library Trustees

    Friends of the Library Report 10. Strategic Plan – Trustee Barbara Blue 11. Department Heads Staff Meeting ... = $10,349.84 W.B. Mason, PO 3674, Line Item 326 = $800.00 W.B. Mason, PO 3523, Line Item 326 = $2,440.72 ... like a large screen monitor to display messages and calendar events, something larger than what is ...

    02/25/2019 - 11:22am
