Engineering/Land Use

Does the Town have well water test results for my property?

 If you come to the Community Development Department at Town Hall, staff will check your property file to see if the Town has a copy.

Does the Town have a Plot Plan for my property?

 If you come into the Community Development Department at Town Hall, staff will check your property file to see if the Town has a copy of a Plot Plan for your lot.

Does the Town have a Septic Plan for my property?

If you come to the Community Development Department at Town Hall, staff will check your property file to see if the Town has a copy. Septic design plans were not required until 1967, so if your home and septic system were built prior to 1967, we will not have a plan. Copies may not be available after 1967 in some cases.

Does the Town have information on where the sewer service is on my property?

No, not on your property, if you come to the Community Development Department at Town Hall, staff will check Town records to see where the service was left at the street line and provide information on who the contractor may have been and when the service was installed.

Does the Town have information on where the water service is on my property?

No, not on your property, if you come to Community Development Department at Town Hall, staff will check Town records to see where the service was left at the street line and if it was installed after 1993. Staff will also check to determine who the contractor was or may have been and when the service was installed. If Town Hall does not have the record for your property, you can check with the Water Utility Clerk at Town Hall to see if they have a water service tie card for your property.

How do I replace my septic system?

The first step is to hire a State of New Hampshire Licensed Septic System Designer. He or she will contact the Health Officer in the Community Development Department to schedule a test pit to determine if the system can be replaced in kind or if a new system needs to be designed.

How often should I pump my septic tank?

t is recommended that the tank be pumped every 2 to 3 years.

How often should I test my well water?

It is recommended to first test soon after a new well is installed, thereafter every 3-5 years, whenever there is a change in property ownership, or whenever there is a noticeable change in the water quality, including changes in taste, odor, or color.

If part of my land is considered wetlands, do I need a permit to fill my land?

State of New Hampshire licensed Wetlands Scientist would have to do an investigation on your property to determine if wetlands are present. If wetlands are present and you would like to fill, then a State of New Hampshire Dredge and Fill Permit would have to be obtained prior to the filling.

Is my house in a flood zone and do I need flood insurance?

If you come to the Community Development Department at Town Hall, you can look at the Flood Insurance Rate Maps and make your own determination. We are not allowed by Federal law to interpret the map for you, but we can help you in understanding how to read the map. Lending institutions are required to make the determination if insurance is needed.