Nashua Regional Planning Commission - Hudson


Established in 1959, the Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC) is the oldest of New Hampshire’s nine regional planning commissions. Formed by the City of Nashua and the Town of Hudson to address highway congestion and coordinate land use development, that same spirit of regional cooperation and problem-solving characterizes the commission’s activities today.

NPRC Commission

The NRPC Commission consists of a voluntary board of commissioners that represent each member community. Commissioners are nominated by the planning board in their municipality and appointed by the governing body.  Each community is entitled to two commission representatives. Communities with over 10,000 in population are entitled to three representatives and communities with over 25,000 in population are entitled to four representatives. The Full Commission meets quarterly to adopt and oversee an array of planning programs provided to NRPC members. The Executive Committee, which is elected from the body of the Full Commission, meets monthly.

Currently, Hudson is represented with three commissioners.