Benson Park Committee


The Board of Selectmen is responsible for the maintenance and management of Benson Park. To accomplish this task the Selectmen appointed a committee consisting of eight members: Eight citizen volunteers, one Selectmen representative and two alternate members. This committee will continue to build upon the efforts of the prior Benson’s Committee and is a permanent standing committee of the Board of Selectmen. It operates with various subcommittees to accomplish its mission. Its first meeting was held on May 14, 2009. In July of 2009, the committee voted to rename the committee as the Benson Park Committee. They recognize the significance of the contribution that John T. Benson made to the town and focus on the park for its potential passive recreation activities.


The original Benson's Committee was established by the Board of Selectmen on January 23, 2001 and was comprised of citizens, representatives from the Board of Selectman, the Historical Society, the Recreation Department and a non-voting member from the Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC).

The Committee met on an as-needed basis relative to the acquisition of the Benson's property and three of its historic structures - Haselton Barn, the Train Station and Office Building.

The Town of Hudson Board of Selectmen and members of the Benson's Committee worked for nearly 8 years trying to acquire the property from the State of NH. On December 31, 2008, the Town of Hudson acquired 166 acres of land previously known as Benson’s Wild Animal Farm from the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. The Quit Claim Deed was accepted officially by the town at the State House from the Governor on January 23, 2009.


The Benson Park Committee meets the third Thursdays of the month at 7:00 PM. All meetings are open. The public is invited to attend at the HCTV Center Meeting Room in the lower level of the Senior Center at 19 Kimball Hill Road.


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