Unique Opportunities
The Town of Hudson recognizes the broad economic objectives of stable property taxes, high employment and sustainable growth.
The Town of Hudson provides superior infrastructure and services such as highways and roads, parks, affordable housing, crime prevention and K-12 education.
The Town of Hudson strives to create new employment opportunities and retain its existing employment base through specific efforts in business finance, marketing, small business development, business retention and expansion, green renewable energy projects and commercial and residential real estate development.
More Values Related to the Town of Hudson
- Years of stable growth
- A stable tax rate – one of the lowest in southern NH.
- Excellent infrastructure and services (Fire, Police, Highway, and Library).
- Stable water and sewer rates – no increases in a decade.
- Parks and recreation including a 165 acre park.
- A commitment to quality K-12 public education.
- Well managed municipal government with adequate financial reserves.
Regional and State Competition
There is intense competition between communities, states, and nations for new economic development projects in today's globalized world, and the struggle to attract and retain business is further intensified by the use of many variations of economic incentives to the potential business such as tax incentives, tax credits, and help with investment capital.
Community Demographics and Databases for Measurements
Our use of community demographics tools and database templates to measure Hudson's community assets versus other communities is an important aspect of our economic development. Job creation, economic output, and increase in tax base are the most common measurement tools.
The Town of Hudson has economic development programs in place to assist businesses in achieving their goals.