Invitation to Bid - BID Number #DPW 25-1 / Line Striping
The Town of Hudson, NH is inviting bid proposals for line striping for various streets in Hudson.
Sealed bid proposals, plainly marked, “Town of Hudson Bid # DPW 25-1 Road Line Striping” on the outside of the mailing envelope as well as the sealed bid envelope, will be addressed to the Town Clerk, Town of Hudson, 12 School St, Hudson NH, 03051.
Bids will be accepted until 10:30am, Wednesday, August 7, 2024 when all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Buxton conference room, Town Hall, 12 School Street Hudson NH 03051. Award will be by the Board of Selectmen at a regular board meeting.
It is the Town’s intent that this proposal shall permit competition. It shall be the respondent’s responsibility to advise the Town Administrator in writing if any language, requirement, specification etc., or any combination thereof, inadvertently restricts or limits the requirements stated in this Proposal to a single source. Such notifications must be received not later than seven (7) days prior to the proposal acceptance date.
The Town of Hudson, Public Works Department, is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to perform line striping services for an estimated 800,000 LF of Town roads.
Scope of Work
The Town of Hudson is seeking proposals to provide a per foot price for the line striping of approximately 211,800 LF of 4” double yellow centerline, approximately 4800 LF of 4” Single Yellow Center Line and approximately 308,000 LF of single white fog lines. Paint and application must meet provisions of NHDOT Specifications Section 708. All proposals must be submitted with the attached bid form. Awarded contractor will need to provide a cone crew and trail vehicle to retrieve cones once paint is dried. Contractor will perform work within town operating hours, Monday-Friday, 6am-4pm. The town WILL provide escort vehicle.
Submission Requirements
Items Addressed:
The proposal should address all points outlined in the request for proposals. While additional data may be presented, the following subjects and questions must be addressed:
- A) Name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the company
- B) Name of contact person and telephone number for purposes of the following up on the proposal.
- C) Narrative including the qualifications of the company and municipal experience.
- D) Three (3) copies of the proposal must be submitted.
- E) All tabulations and pricing must be submitted on the Line Striping Bid Form
The awarded vendor at their cost will be required to provide certificate of liability insurance before work can commence naming the Town of Hudson as additional insured. The following standard insurance shall be required:
- General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence / $2,000,000 Aggregate
- Automobile Liability: $ 100,000 Bodily Injury per person / $ 300,000 per Occurrence
- Workers Compensation: $1,000,000 Per Occurrence (Coverage B-Employer’s Liability) / $1,000,000 per Employee (Coverage A-Statutory)
Reservation of Rights
The Town of Hudson reserves the right to reject all or any part of any or all proposals, to waive technical or legal deficiencies, and to accept any proposal that it deems to be in the best interest of the Town.
Be sure the proposal envelope is completely and properly identified. The face of the envelope shall indicate the title of the RFP “Town of Hudson Bid # DPW 25-1 Road Line Striping” and the acceptance date and time. Prospective bidders must monitor the Town’s website for any addendums. Proposals must be received by the Town of Hudson ON or BEFORE the hour specified on the acceptance date. Proposals may be either mailed or hand delivered to the Town of Hudson, Town Hall, 12 School St, Hudson, NH 03051 Attn: Town Clerk.