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  1. Tax Map 111

    151.00 150.00 200.00 50.00 150.00 100.15 65.23 114.00 50.08 10 147.72 55.00 118.30 142.50217.70 150.00 ... 48.56 147.05 18.00 31.84 347.64 38.6 94.59 219.62 41.5839.27 70.0 9 72.2 0 193.52 93.1 8 47.0 1 240.00 ... 0 423.50 243.10 449.40 678.16 642.28 71.29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ...

    07/06/2023 - 4:09pm

  2. Benson Park Cmte.

    Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Benson Park Cmte. bpc-a2022-05-19.pdf TOWN ... 05-19-22 Benson Park Committee Minutes 5-19-22 Benson Park Committee Video 05-19-22 Image Slideshow Display ... funding for removal of asbestos from Train Station. B Election of officers 8. Calendar a. Next meeting ...

    07/28/2022 - 8:31am

  3. Assessment Statistics 1995-2022

    2017 * 97.8% YES 5.23% YES 2016 87.9% NO 9.04% YES 2015 92.7% YES 8.15% YES 2014 97.8% YES 7.73% YES ... 2013 98.8% YES 7.69% YES 2012 * 99.6% YES 6.80% YES 2011 116.2% NO 9.70% YES 2010 114.5% NO 7.80% YES ...

    04/26/2023 - 10:22am

  4. FY25 Town Warrant

    $50,000 $0 Purpose: Fire Apparatus Capital Reserve Funding 4915 To Capital Reserve Funds 15 $100,000 $0 ... Streets 05 $90,267 $0 $90,267 $0 Purpose: Hudson Public Works Union Contract 4312 Highways and Streets 08 ... Articles below as amended at the Town Deliberative Session February 03, 2024) Article 05 Hudson Public ...

    02/06/2024 - 3:47pm

  5. FY25 Town Warrant

    $50,000 $0 Purpose: Fire Apparatus Capital Reserve Funding 4915 To Capital Reserve Funds 15 $100,000 $0 ... Streets 05 $90,267 $0 $90,267 $0 Purpose: Hudson Public Works Union Contract 4312 Highways and Streets 08 ... Articles below as amended at the Town Deliberative Session February 03, 2024) Article 05 Hudson Public ...

    03/13/2024 - 11:39am

  6. Municipal Utility

    Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Municipal Utility muc-a2021-12-07.pdf TOWN OF HUDSON ... Abatements: 1. S-UTL-21-09 (10/05/21) Town/Melo, 27 Brody Ln. m/l 184/032/086 Acct. #6945 This property and ... to adjourn at 8:15 pm. Motion carried.____________________ Donna Staffier-Sommers Sewer Utility ...

    03/20/2024 - 11:35am

  7. Budget Committee- Public Hearing

    Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings FY24 Town Warrant Articles FY24 School ... 2023 Article 05 Sewer Fund Operating Budget Shall the Town of Hudson raise and appropriate as an ... March 2006? $15,000 of this sum will come from the General Fund and $15,000 will come from the Sewer ...

    03/14/2023 - 7:57am

  8. Board of Selectmen

    Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings 8-9-22 Board of Selectmen Packet Board of Selectmen ... Exemption Requalifications: Map 171, Lot 040, 2 Greenfield Drive; Map 204, Lot 064, 15 Burns Hill Road; Map ... 225, Lot 003, 15 Beaver Path 2) Elderly Exemption: Map 175, Lot 034, Sub 017, 7 Village Lane 3) ...

    08/25/2022 - 10:53am

  9. Tax Map 148

    271.37 220.22 137.17 180.00 180.00 170.40 253.87 183.79 191.45 118.22 182.05 181.77 222.97 145± 137.26 ... 41.76 72.63 50.00 50.05109.60 327.69 88.80 194.54 277.99 151.15 119.55 159.85196.89 213.88 206.51 141.51 ... 295.21 98.65 1128.16 104.66 150.00 46.67 307.04 335.28 109.81 66.42 83.58 218.05 82.32 86.26 139.31 25.00 ...

    07/07/2023 - 8:30am

  10. Tax Map 191

    127.37 286.89 80.78 199.00 85.74 100.00 210.03 131.6 1 169.04 230.50 150.0 150.0 135.0 135.0 15 0.0 ... 100.0 100.0 100.0 23.56 23.56 23.56 23.56 22.15 163.72 35.9 9 16.06 140.0 4 84.8 9 150.00 162.20 79.86 ... 145.00 105.80 90.00 92.29 191.8 8 133.1 9 139.0 0 106.0 0 137. 94 137.2327.33 91.6938.67 82.72 15 ...

    07/07/2023 - 9:25am
