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  1. Cable Utility Committee

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, January 24, 2011- 7:00pm Agenda Image Slideshow Display ... Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Alternate Info Maps Menu Settings Cable Utility Committee ... cuc-a2011-01-24.pdf PUBLIC NOTICE CABLE UTILITY COMMITTEE January 24, 2011- 7:00 p.m. HCTV Access Center 98 Old Derry ...

    04/08/2019 - 1:39pm

  2. FY25 Town Warrant

    $5,060,552 $0 $5,060,552 $0 Public Safety 4210 Police 02 $9,677,007 $10,024,069 $10,406,762 $0 $10,406,762 $0 ... Maintenance Trust Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 4313 Bridges 09 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 Purpose: Melendy Road Bridge ... Rehabilitation 4319 Other Highway, Streets, and Bridges 10 $1,000,375 $0 $0 $1,000,375 Purpose: Circumferential ...

    02/06/2024 - 3:47pm

  3. FY25 Town Warrant

    $5,060,552 $0 $5,060,552 $0 Public Safety 4210 Police 02 $9,677,007 $10,024,069 $10,406,762 $0 $10,406,762 $0 ... Maintenance Trust Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 4313 Bridges 09 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 Purpose: Melendy Road Bridge ... Rehabilitation 4319 Other Highway, Streets, and Bridges 10 $1,000,375 $0 $0 $1,000,375 Purpose: Circumferential ...

    03/13/2024 - 11:39am

  4. Conservation Comm.

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, April 10, 2023- 7:00pm Conservation Commission Agenda ... 04-10-23 Conservation Commission Minutes 04-10-23 Conservation Commission Video 04-10-23 Image Slideshow ... Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Conservation Commission Packet ...

    05/26/2023 - 1:28pm

  5. Tax Map 111

    151.00 150.00 200.00 50.00 150.00 100.15 65.23 114.00 50.08 10 147.72 55.00 118.30 142.50217.70 150.00 ... 187.26 112.83 374.95 284. 09 369.6 5 321. 13 253.3 5 260.42 137.00 91.78 149. 79 335.00 272.08 239.60 ... 642.28 115.61 236.73 289.95 169.31459.16 344.99 345.10 349.38 244.63 165.59274.84240.00 102.18 113.30 ...

    07/06/2023 - 4:09pm

  6. Plans

    Subdivision 2, 10-16-20 Fuss & Oneill Response to Civil Peer Review, 09-14-20 Langan Peer Review- Resolved ... Site Plan Set part1, 09-14-20 Langan Site Plan Set part 2, 09-14-20 Langan Architecture, 09 ... Items, 10-15-20 Fuss & Oneill Peer Review- Memo, 10-16-20 Fuss & Oneill Image Slideshow Display ...

    11/25/2020 - 3:34pm

  7. Municipal Utility Cmte.

    Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Municipal Utility Committee Packet 06-18-24 Municipal Utility Cmte. ... completed the annual audit questionnaire from the Auditors. Donna to mail out the signed form. 10. Remarks ... Dave Leary; second by Dan O’Brien to adjourn at 8:09pm. Motion carried.____________________ Donna ...

    07/17/2024 - 1:24pm

  8. Cable Utility Committee

    Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Thursday, March 24, 2011- 7:00pm Agenda Image Slideshow Display ... Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Alternate Info Maps Menu Settings Cable Utility Committee ... cuc-a2011-03-24.pdf 1 TOWN OF HUDSON Cable Utility Committee Michael O’Keefe, Chairman Roger Coutu, Selectmen Liaison ...

    04/08/2019 - 1:40pm

  9. Tax Map 207

    126.14 10.68 604.51 256. 54 63.6 6 40.4 3 3 2.28 41.83 197.23 124.41 322.31 631.35 12.05 499.85 63.09 ... 101.42 716.12 78.71 80.2 2 79.6 9 82.4 9 326. 37 31.6 1 80.10 38.1 9 83.5 1 19.51 133.90 59.23 37.69 ... 675.68 200 146.52 226.53 313.19 118.00 151.42 151.09 231.30 235.15 268.76295.19 812.84 138.25 100.00 ...

    07/07/2023 - 9:36am

  10. Zoning Board

    Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Zoning Board of Adjustment ... a single-family home, with more than twice the 10,000 SF area required in the TR, but this remainder only has ... COMPANY, 10 Ferry Street, Suite 313, Concord, NH 03301 (Mortgagee Servicer) You can contact the New ...

    07/06/2022 - 11:53am
