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  1. Fiscal Year 2017 Budget

    March 2016 Town Warrant Articles FY2017 Board of Selectmen Approved Budget FY2017 Department Heads ...

    04/25/2019 - 10:03pm

  2. Ballot Recount Results

    been officially elected for a 3-year term on the Board of Selectmen.   Image Slideshow Display Contact ...

    06/05/2023 - 9:14am

  3. Benson Park Property Transfer

    The Hudson Board of Selectmen is pleased to announce that the transfer of the old Benson's ...

    04/18/2019 - 3:20pm

  4. Fiscal Year 2020- Budget

    FY2020 Warrant Article Public Works Contract FY2020 Board of Selectmen Approved Budget FY2020 BOS ...

    04/25/2019 - 10:00pm

  5. Links of Interest

    New Hampshire Board of Tax and Land Appeals New Hampshire Municipal Association State of New ...

    08/27/2024 - 10:43am

  6. Cable Utility Committee Members

    Vacant Member   April 2025 Vacant Member   April 2026         Michael Campbell School Board Liaison April ...

    06/04/2024 - 10:42am

  7. Contact Town Treasurer

    more involved?   Visit this link for more information on how to apply for a Board or Committee.   Your ...

    07/27/2020 - 12:09pm

  8. Contact Town Moderator

    more involved?   Visit this link for more information on how to apply for a Board or Committee.   Your ...

    08/29/2024 - 11:48am

  9. Contact the Tax Collector

    more involved?   Visit this link for more information on how to apply for a Board or Committee.   Your ...

    08/21/2024 - 8:59am

  10. Contact Hudson Cemetery Trustees

    getting more involved?   Visit this link for more information on how to apply for a Board or Committee. ...

    09/09/2019 - 3:08pm
