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  1. Friars Sound Study rev 12-2-2021

    level adjustment was required, therefore it was monitoring accurately) with an ANSI Type 1 calibrator, ... (no level adjustment was required, therefore it was monitoring accurately) with an ANSI Type ... zoned property. Note the ordinance defines a "pure tone" condition occurs when any octave band ...

    12/09/2021 - 3:58pm

  2. Highway Safety Committee

    of the Committee is to:  Make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for the establishment of ... traffic control signs and signalization and make recommendations Advise, upon request, any town board ... Planning Board) and highway safety.  Meetings The Highway Safety Committee meets the first Wednesday of ...

    06/19/2024 - 10:01am

  3. Benson Park Cmte.

    Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Benson Park Cmte. ... Board of Selectmen vote for incoming BPC Member Mike Catanzaro-JackM c. Benson Park Committee Secretary ... Committee 7. New Business a. Planning Board recommendation for a Youth Center in Benson Park- Scott. 8. ...

    06/23/2023 - 7:54am

  4. Benson Park Committee

    Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Benson Park Committee bpc-m2020-11-19.pdf ... onto the DPW budget. Board of Selectman Chairman Morin stated that when it was brought to the Board ... the project and this Board chose the least amount. The BOS wanted Elvis or Jess to confirm the pricing ...

    08/06/2021 - 10:24am

  5. Motor Vehicle Registrations

    year 1999 or older. As of July 1, 2018 the process for out of state transfers with lien holders has ...

    11/08/2018 - 6:22pm

  6. Emergency Management- Winter Weather Resources

    Deadly Winter Threat  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: DATE: January 15, 2018 CONTACT: Amy McLaughlin, Public ...

    03/24/2021 - 10:44am

  7. Water Line Insurance

    offer such service to its water line customers. As of July 1, 2018 Pennichuck Water Works no longer ...

    03/28/2023 - 8:45am

  8. Benson Park Cmte.

    Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Benson Park Cmte. ... Term ending April 2024-Ralph. d. Report on BPC Member Vacancy Sign for bulletin Board at Dog ... Park 8. Calendar a. Rescheduled Town Meeting to Tuesday, March 28th- Warrant Article #14 for $10,000 ...

    03/14/2023 - 8:21am

  9. Library Trustees

    HUDSON Library Board of Trustees 194 Derry Road · Hudson, New Hampshire 03051 · Tel: 603-886-6030 · Fax: ... 603-816-4501 The Hudson Library Board of Trustees will hold a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, September 21, 2016, ... 2016/17 Calendar Skype from Hills 11. New Business New Trustee- Kara Roy Warrant Article for pay increase? ...

    02/25/2019 - 11:30am

  10. Benson Park Cmte.

    Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Benson Park Cmte. ... Inspection in Train Station- Jack 8. Calendar a. Next meeting – Thursday December 15th 9. Other ... meeting- he has applied to the Board of Selectman to be nominated for a position ● Approval of minutes: ...

    01/24/2023 - 7:57am
