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  1. Board of Selectmen

    Video 10-21-21 Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings ... to the whole calendar year of 450 for 2020. And we had 541 motor vehicle accidents. Those are ... a month ago and I don’t’ remember where it was but there was a police officer and they were doing an ...

    01/05/2022 - 9:26am

  2. Hudson Community Power Electric Aggregation Plan

    196,237 Aggregated data shown was provided by Eversource for the 12 months ending December 2021. ...

    08/26/2022 - 2:26pm

  3. Hudson Community Power Electric Aggregation Plan- Draft

    196,237 Aggregated data shown was provided by Eversource for the 12 months ending December 2021. ...

    09/02/2022 - 4:17pm

  4. Conservation Comm.

    Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Conservation Commission Packet ... Town Vote. An account line item is to be added by the Finance Director on our future Monthly Financial ... drone footage with monthly flyovers on standard routes to supplement on- site construction monitoring. ...

    05/26/2023 - 1:28pm

  5. Conservation Comm.

    Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Conservation Commission Packet ... Chairman Collins reviewed our monthly correspondence which included the following: a) Abutter notification ... 56 75 9, 26 1. 80 76 0, 93 2. 17 76 2, 74 4. 19 64 7. 60 93 5. 61 1, 15 2. 68 1, 39 4. 42 1, 60 9. 09 ...

    07/24/2023 - 8:59am

  6. Board of Selectmen

    Video 10-14-21 Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings ... Basically that was just increased in the monthly cost. So that was the one area that we did bump that up. ... that are not warrantied past six months because of the wear and tear on them because they move them ...

    11/12/2021 - 8:11am

  7. Water Line Insurance

    offer such service to its water line customers. As of July 1, 2018 Pennichuck Water Works no longer ... a monthly fee which acts as a warranty to cover the costs of repairing underground water lines. These plans ...

    03/28/2023 - 8:45am

  8. Cable Utility Cmte.

    08-13-2018 Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Cable Utility Cmte. ... Meeting with Agenda and Minutes Monday, August 13, 2018- 7:00pm Cable Utility Committee Minutes ... cuc-m2018-08-13.pdf ! PUBLIC NOTICE CABLE UTILITY COMMITTEE August 13, 2018 HCTV Access Center Benson Park 19 Kimball ...

    03/20/2024 - 10:53am

  9. Impact Fee Reports

    2019 Impact Fee Report 2018 Impact Fee Report 2017 Impact Fee Report 2016 Impact Fee Report 2015 ... 06/30/19 09-2000-2050-000-039 Gowing Road Road Improvements Gowing Road Subdivision 231/53 90 Gowing Road ... Richard Wojcik 09/21/16 4/27/17-4/18/18 7,500.00$ 6 years after receipt $7,512.30 $0.00 $131.27 $7,643.57 ...

    08/30/2023 - 3:55pm

  10. Board of Selectmen

    Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Maps Menu Settings Board of Selectmen Packet 06-27-23 Board of ... 2023 2) Minutes of June 13, 2023 F. Calendar 06/28 7:00 Planning Board Buxton Meeting Room 07/04 ... Minutes, Page 2 E. Acceptance of Minutes 1) Minutes of June 6, 2023 2) Minutes of June 13, 2023 F. Calendar ...

    07/12/2023 - 10:18am
