Colburn Town Forest
Size: 52 acres
Location: 20 Musquash Road
Recreational Activities: Trails, exercise loop, observation area, fitness stations, beach access
History: Colburn Town Forest located at 20 Musquash Road is a 52 acre parcel that offers hikers 1.5 miles of meandering trails, scenic vistas and abundant wildlife to observe. The land was originally acquired by the town in lieu of delinquent property taxes and for a number of years laid unnoticed for its recreational charm until members of the Hudson Conservation Commission took notice. The selectmen approved allowing the Conservation Commission to take on the task of creating trails and repurposing this parcel into the delight it is today. In 2019 town voters took it a step further by voting to designate this property a “Town Forest” by doing so the Colburn Town Forest is afford additional land protections under NH State Law. Visitors can find ample parking at the Trail heads located across from Copper Hill Road on the west side and Trigate Road on the east. We hope you enjoy you hike!