Preparation Sequence

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Hudson Sustainability / Community Roadside Cleanup Subcommittee (aka HS/CRC)


HS/CRC Project Preparation Sequence:

  • The Sustainability Committee comes to a decision as to a date for a Roadside Cleanup and identifies and confirms the possible roads - with input from the public. Committee to decide on whether to host a Thank You lunch. Committee to vote on authorizing expenditures not to exceed X amount for sign overlays, lunch items, etc.
  • Seek input/support from the Director of Public Works on which road is to be focused on. Sort out what signage is available and when it will be placed.
  • Seek input/support from the Chief of Police on whether the road selected is appropriate. Will a Police Officer escort be needed?
    • If so, will an officer be available?
  • Develop promotional materials/ads and reach out to the community. Four A-Frame signs at DPW. Four Roadside Cleanup signs are available to be customized, each using an Overlay. Ads to be informative, encourage participation and preregistration.
  • In weeks coming up to the Cleanup, communicate as needed with the DPW and HPD regarding plans and preparations.
  • Send a Thank you email to each as residents sign up to help out. That includes advice regarding footwear.
  • One week out, set the Sustainability Committee roadside signs along the road. These signs to be picked up and returned to the DPW one week after the Roadside Cleanup.
  • One week out, set any A-Frame signs. A-Frame signs to be picked up at end of Roadside Cleanup and returned to DPW on the next business day.
  • Monday before send an email to all who have signed up in advance with important information/reminders. Perhaps mention taking photos. Decide whether to create name tags.
  • Prepare enough backpacks for those who signed up plus X number more for those who wish to help on the day of. Each backpack (18 available) contains a quantity of Blue Recycle Bags and Trash Bags along with a Safety Vest (approx. 40 available).
  • Get grabbers from DPW to have available for volunteers.