Policies and Procedures


MEMBERS: The Sustainability Committee (formerly called the Recycling/Energy Committee) is a seven-member committee with three alternates. There is one Selectman liaison and the Public Works Director as an ex-officio member, pursuant to Hudson Board of Selectmen vote on 8/25/15.

MEMBER SELECTION: Members are residents of Hudson who volunteer to participate on the Committee. They are interviewed and approved by the Board of Selectmen for 3-year terms, normally set to expire on April 30 of the third year. At the end of a term, members may apply to the Board of Selectmen to be re-appointed to the Committee. If there is a vacancy on the Committee because a member resigns or moves, it is advertised and filled by the Board of Selectmen to end on April 30 of the current term, or to fill the term of the absent member.

Members serve without compensation but may be reimbursed by the Town for necessary and reasonable expenses incurred in the course of their duties.

Members are permitted to request information from Town departments and officials in the course of their duties, and may seek advice and consultation from other citizens, government employees and officials, professionals, and other groups as needed.

OFFICERS: There are three officers of the Committee: Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary. The Chairman will create an agenda for each meeting and have it posted at least 24 hours prior to each meeting; will gather information for items on the agenda and provide it to the committee members; will preside over committee meetings; and will be the liaison between committee members and Town Staff and Selectmen.  The Chairman will submit the Annual Report of the committee to the Board of Selectmen for inclusion in the Annual Report of the Town.

The Vice-Chairman will perform the duties of the chairman when the chairman is unable to do so; and will perform any other duties requested by the chairman or by the committee.

The Secretary will take minutes at the meetings; will write the minutes and present them to the members a minimum of one week prior to the next meeting; and will make any corrections noted at the meeting. The final minutes will be emailed to the Town Administrator/Board of Selectmen for filing. The final version will be made available to the public as soon as practicable through hudsonnh.gov, the official website for the town of Hudson.

A member of the committee may propose a new officership and its responsibilities, all of which must be approved by vote by a quorum of committee members.