Summer Program
PLEASE NOTE - When registering more than one child, you will select the first child to register. You will be taken to the "Forms Page" where you will add additional children in the "Summer Program Registration 2025" form.
The program runs for 7-8 weeks beginning the end of June through mid-August. Program is offered to Hudson residents and non residents (different rate applies). A valid ID as proof of residency is required to register online and in person.
Please note when registering a 6 year old, a birth certificate is required.
Registration Information
Online Registration: 3/19/25
In Person Registration is welcome by appointment. Please note that only cash or check only is accepted in person.
Opening Day: June 2025, date is TBA
Closing Day: 8/14/25
Please make sure to review our Program Booklet located at the bottom of this page before registering. We are an unstructured Supervised Play program that does not provide one on one individual staff support.
Hours & Age Information
Hours: 9:00am-4:00pm (Before and After Care is offered for added fees that would extend the day from 8am-5pm Monday - Thursday, and 8am-4pm on Fridays).
Age: 6-13/14 years old (cannot be going into 9th grade). Birth Certificate is required for 6 year olds.
Please see the Program Booklet below, under files, to read details on our program.
Cost for the 2025 Entire Summer - There are 2 options offered for both residents and nonresidents.
Early Bird Special runs from 3/19/25-4/13/25...don't miss out on the savings!
- $420 Resident Early Bird Special for 1st child. Price increases to $435 on 4/14/25 and $440 after 6/15/25
- $50 discount for additional children
- $210 for a passbook of 10 visits.
- $510 Non Resident Early Bird Special per child. Price increases to $520 on 4/14/25, and $525 starting 6/15/25 (no sibling discount offered)
- $250 for a non resident 10-day Pass Booklet
- $5/hour for before (8am-9am) and/or after (4pm-5pm) care per child per day. (After Care is not offered on Fridays)
Weekly Activities Highlights
Optional rollerskating & weekly field trips, contests, etc.
Staff Qualifications
- Background checks
- CPR Certified
- CIT's are 16+ , Counselors are 17/18 years old and over
Program calendar will be emailed to registered participants and posted once final in late May...
Recreation Director: Chrissy Peterson
Questions please call us at 880-1600 or email or