What is an IDA bill?

The Industrial Pretreatment Program is required by the USEPA and is as defined in the Town of Hudson Sewer Use Ordinance.

It is administered as a separate program by a consultant to the Town (presently Fuss & O'Neill, Inc.)

All industries within the Town of Hudson which are connected to the public sewer and which engage in manufacturing or certain commercial activities are required to participate in the Industrial Pretreatment Program regardless of whether or not the industry processes wastewater to the public sewer.

Each industry and commercial enterprise, when requesting a Sewer Permit, must fill out and submit an Industrial Discharge Agreement (IDA) application at the same time they are processing their application for a sewer permit. Please call the Engineering Department at 886-6008 for more information.

Invoices received by the Town of Hudson from the consultant (Fuss & O'Neill, Inc.) and the chemical analyst (Chemserve) for managing this program are then billed by the Sewer Utility to the industry or commercial enterprise for services rendered. These may include administration, annual reports, inspections, chemical testing etc.