2024 Warrant Article #29 - Comprehensive Infrastructure Study


Warrant Article #29: Should the Town of Hudson complete a comprehensive infrastructure study independently run by a qualified third-party contractor unrelated to the Town of Hudson or the Nashua Regional Planning Commission?

  • Comprehensive traffic study and impact for the entire town to include all developments being built and approved to be built.
  • Emergency services review fo staffing, equipment, and training needed based on the facilities and anticipated demand from all the development. This includes, Police, Fire and DPW.
  • Impact on our schools based on the high-density housing and the housing development under construction.
  • Sewer and water needs for the town.
  • Review the current impact fees assigned to developers based on this study.
  • The study results are expected to be used to upgrade and improve the Master Plan, Zoning ordinance, Land Use regulations, and to determine the impact to budgets/taxpayers and equipment/facilities/staffing needed to function.

Not Recommended by the Board of Selectmen 3-1          Tax Rate impact is $0.00


The following studies have already been completed by the Town and School as part of the infrastructure planning process.