Listing of all Public Notices
The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) details the quality of your drinking water, where it comes from, and where you can get more information. This annual report documents all detected primary and secondary drinking water parameters, and compares them to their respective standards known as Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs).
CCR Delivery MethodsThe Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) has been mailed to all Town of Hudson water users. We are providing this information online as another means for water users to view the report above. Acceptable CCR Delivery Methods.
The Department of Public Works maintains approximately 200 miles of roadway within its jurisdiction. The State of NH Department of Transportation is responsible for an additional 13 miles of roadway (bulleted list below).
The State Department of Transportation, District 5 (NHDOT) is responsible for the maintenance, salting, sanding and plowing of the following roads in the Town of Hudson.
Please see 2024 Solid Waste & Recycling brochure for exact dates (link below). Passes are required to dispose of solid waste, but not for yard waste, cardboard or metal. In case of inclement weather, please check for transfer station schedule changes.
Transfer Station passes can be obtained at the Public Works Department only during normal working hours.
Contact Information
Main Level of Town Hall
12 School Street
Hudson, NH 03051
Phone: (603) 886-6024
Fax: (603) 598-6481
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm
Upcoming Events
05/26/2025 (All day)
06/19/2025 (All day)
07/04/2025 (All day)