April 2020

Spring Trees

Volume 1 | Issue 2

Welcome to the second edition of the Town of Hudson's Newsletter

In light of the current situation with the COVID-19 virus, there are still a few important things going on at Town Hall you should know about. Here are a few ...

Active Blue Light

Town of Hudson on March 16th, 2020, installed the first Blue Enforcement Light in the State of New Hampshire.

This light will provide visual confirmation to a police officer when a vehicle is running a red traffic light from Sagamore Bridge  to Lowell Road (north bound).

Presentation of Mary Gates on Lowell Road

In 2004 a large portion of Lowell Road, including that section near the Presentation of Mary (PMA), was widened to accommodate the increase in traffic. Prior to this project the historic gates embraced the driveway which lead from Lowell Road to the oval in front of the PMA building.