
Organization Contact Name Phone or Email
Alvirne Chapel Sandy Soucy 603-882-1699
Alvirne Friends of Music Robert Scagnelli
American Legion --- 603-889-9777
American Legion Auxiliary --- 603-889-9777
BAFTA Federation of First Baptist Church --- 603-882-6116
Boy Scouts Troop 20 Kristen Sullivan 603-930-2318
Cub Scouts Pack 21 Keith Marshall 603-265-1554
Boy Scouts Troop 21 Bob San Soucie 978-866-4335
Boy Scouts Troop 252 Chris Funk 603-960-0765
Cub Scouts Pack 20 Mike McComas 603-860-6016
Cub Scouts Pack 252 Chris Funk 603-960-0765
Friends of Benson Park John Leone
Friends of the Library of Hudson, NH Jane Bowles
Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains 888-474-9686
Hudson Community Food Pantry Karen McLavey 603-883-6048
Hudson Firefighters Relief Association Dave Morin 603-886-6021
Hudson Fish & Game Club Paul LaFerriere 603-889-9875
Hudson Girls Softball League Becky Radziewicz
Hudson Heat Travel Softball Becky Radziewicz
Hudson Grange 11 Gerald LeClerc 603-882-8602
Hudson Historical Society Dave Alukonis 603-880-2020
Hudson Kiwanis Mike Falzone 603-320-8020
Hudson Litchfield Youth Football Cheer Jessica Mackey
Hudson Lions Club Roger LaTulippe 603-566-9409
Hudson-Litchfield Rotary Club --- P.O. Box 6, Hudson, NH 03051
Hudson Senior Council on Aging Lucille Boucher 603-889-1803
Hudson Special Olympics Terry Savage 603-566-0283
Hudson VFW Post 5791 --- 603-598-4594
Hudson VFW Auxiliary --- 603-598-4594
Hudson Women's Club Phyllis Appler 603-883-6440
Hudson Youth Baseball Scott Power 603-475-9977
Knights of Columbus Council 5162 Mike Chouinard 978-360-0690