Bike and Pedestrian Trail

Plans to develop a new bicycle/pedestrian trail that would link Route 111 to Circumferential Highway and points beyond are a vital part of the construction of Hudson Boulevard in an effort to develop a public green-way trail.
A few reasons a bike and pedestrian path is a community plus:
A Convenient Transportation Option
Traveling by biking or walking provides a number of conveniences not offered by cars. For one, a cycling or walking requires considerably less maintenance than a car. And for shorter trips through heavy traffic, you can often travel faster by bike than you can by automobile. When you reach your destination, you can avoid paying tolls and park your bicycle right near the front of the lot. Cycling and walking can also double as your exercise for the day, so any time lost on your commute can be made up by not having to schedule additional time for workouts. Finally, bicycles let us access natural beauty that often can’t be reached by automobile, such as scenic parks and breathtaking waterfronts.
Good for Your Community
Bicycles are also good for your community. Not only does riding a bike keep one less car off your local roads, it also reduces the amount of noise pollution in your neighborhood. When riding your bike through your community, you can interact with others around you in a much more human manner. Wave to a neighbor, smile at the kids playing in their yards (some kids still do that), or take in the smells of a local back-yard barbeque—it’s all possible when traveling by bicycle.
Good for the Environment
America’s dependence on the automobile has created a serious environmental concern. The United States is a global leader in petroleum consumption, which causes increased emissions of harmful gases including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, nitrous oxide, volatile organic compounds, hydro fluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride. These emissions have been linked to the “greenhouse effect,” the depletion of the ozone layer, a variety of health problems, and an overall reduction in air quality. The negative environmental effects are even more significant in large cities with a considerable number of commuters driving cars to work each day.
While cars create a tremendous amount of pollution, and cause many of the environmental issues we face today, biking provides an extremely eco-friendly way to travel. Bicycles consume no gas and release no exhaust. Every mile you don’t travel by car saves a lot of pollutants from entering the atmosphere. Despite these facts, most Americans drive their cars to make short trips of a mile or less, causing major pollution damage. And in the United States, fewer people per capita ride bikes than in many parts of the world. If you’re looking to do your part to care for the planet, traveling by bicycle offers an excellent way to get started.