Fire Prevention Education

The Hudson Fire Department is committed to educating the public in fire safety and prevention. We can customize our presentations to the audience. Whether it’s children, new homeowners, elderly or college age youth, we can create a presentation to suit your needs. If you are interested in having us out to your school, daycare or business, we would welcome the opportunity to come out for a presentation. For commercial and industrial customers, we are available to come to your business and conduct fire extinguisher training with your employees.

Interested in touring the fire station? This is your opportunity to learn more about the apparatus, equipment and the day in the life of a firefighter. Firefighters will bring you on a tour, where you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the apparatus and learn about the equipment they use each day. They will also show you how they put on their turnout gear to prepare for an emergency and will review important fire safety information. Tours of the Leonard A. Smith Central Fire Station located at 15 Library Street, are available by appointment.

Freddie the Fire Truck is always a hit! A public safety training program, Freddie the Fire Truck is an exciting tool for teaching fire safety. A fully animated robot, Freddie moves, speaks, plays, audio cassette tapes and sounds his siren, all by remote control. He can wink and blink and move his eyes and with his smiling mouth he presents a positive and friendly image to young and old alike.
For more information or to schedule a presentation or tour, please contact the Administration Office at 603-816-3248.