Public Service Announcements

The following public service announcements are brought to you by the Hudson Fire Department. 


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Burning Permits are required.
Teach your children how to Dial 911
Playing it Safe
Poison Prevention - tips to help prevent.
Slips, Trips and Falls - tips to help prevent.
Smoke Alarms & Carbon Monoxide Detectors Save Lives
Hoarding - Resources and Information
Hoarding - 10 signs to watch for
Dangers of Hoarding
Photos of flashlights - message reads be prepared, do your flashlights work? do you have extra batteries?
Tips to Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls - elderly woman on ground clutching a cane - several tips written out
Tips to stay warm when there is no power.
Cartoon person dressed in different layers of outfits based on the temperature outside - stay warm in winter
Tips to have a safe Thanksgiving - various photos and tips related to cooking and safety around the holiday
Photo of a fryer and turkey with several do's and don't on how to safely fry your turkey