Country Christmas at the Indian Head Resort - November 22, 2019

You are invited to a Country Christmas in the White Mountains at the beautiful Indian Head Resort. There will be a welcome reception, Deluxe Holiday Luncheon, Christmas Party and Country Music Entertainment, Gift Certificate to the Gift Shop and gift from Santa.
There will also be a special visit with Santa Claus.
Special extras and surprises will also be included.
November 22, 2019 ~
Price: $70 per person
Includes: Transportation, Lunch, Show, Tax & Gratuity
Contact: Lucille Boucher at 889-1803
Hudson Senior Center 19 Kimball Hill Road, Hudson NH 03051
Please make checks payable to Town of Hudson
$20 per person Deposit due at Reservation
Final Payment due to the Town of Hudson by October 30
Bus Leaves from the Hudson Community Center at 12 Lions Ave.
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Country Christmas at the Indian Head Resort Day Trip - Friday November 22, 2019
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________________