Senior Amenities
The Senior Center features a variety of amenities to meet the comforts and needs of our patrons. Feel free to relax and enjoy yourself with the pleasures and conveniences of home!

Coffee Bar
The Coffee Bar is open daily! Coffee is 50 cents per cup!

Lending Library
Enjoy paperback books, books on CD, music and movies to borrow and enjoy on your time away from the Center.

Puzzle Lending Library
Try our amazing Puzzle Library with numerous puzzles to borrow and try at home.

Billiard Table
The Billiard Table is open! Come use the table during operating hours and enjoy the "NEW" color! Please be aware our Billiard table is shut down periodically. The dates and times can be found on the schedule page.

Shuffleboard Table
Come play this fun and easy game on our new Shuffleboard Table!

Community Dining Program
The Hudson Senior Center is a host site for Community Dining! Meals are prepared off site so please be sure to RSVP for when you will be attending!
The Center is a host site for the Community Dining Program through Hillsboro County Meals on Wheels. Lunch is a $3.00 donation and is served at 12:00pm in the dining room. To reserve a meal, we ask that you call the Center or stop by to add your name to the RSVP list. You can find the menu under "Center Activities".

Vending Machine
Grab a refreshment before a movie, a snack for the puzzle table or a compliment to your coffee!