Diabetic Shoe Clinic Paperwork

Attention, Adults with foot problems and Diabetes! Is Medicare your Primary Insurance?
If so, you are eligible to receive a pair of Diabetic shoes and inserts FREE to you if you are Diabetic!
Also other insurances cover this as well! Straight Mass Health/Medicaid does not cover this clinic.
Host Site: Hudson Senior Center - 19 Kimball Hill Road, Hudson NH 03051
Please call 603-578-3929 for an appointment
You will need a doctor’s approval form prior to appointment date
Websites with information : www.drcomfort.com www.Anodyneshoes.com
Please bring your Medicare card and any other supplemental insurance cards as well as the completed doctor’s order (pick up at the center or find under FORMS)
Call to make your 10-minute fitting appointment 603-578-3929.
Any additional questions call Amy from Pro Medical East: 603-944-1311
Clinic is hosted one to two times a year. Please watch for next date announcement.