About HPD

The Hudson Police Department, “A Nationally Accredited Agency”,strives to exemplify what this Town represents: tradition, honor, commitment and innovation.
The Hudson Police Department strongly embraces the philosophy of Community Policing. Through the numerous Community Policing Programs, Community Police Sub-Stations, and the SRO (School Resource Officer) program, the department pro-actively works with the members of this great community to enhance the quality of life in Hudson.
In 2003, the Hudson Police Department was recognized for its professional excellence and awarded National Accreditation, through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). In December of 2017, the Hudson Police Department participated in its sixth re-accreditation process. As a result of the process, the department was awarded with Advanced Law Enforcement Gold Accreditation status at the CALEA Conference held in Texas in March 2018. Hudson PD is one of 16 law enforcement agencies in the State of New Hampshire that holds this prestigious status of CALEA Accreditation.
The Hudson Police Department is a progressive law enforcement agency committed to protecting and serving the citizens of Hudson, New Hampshire. There are currently 51 sworn officers on the force, making the department one of the largest in the State of New Hampshire.
The structure of the Hudson Police Department is divided into 3 main bureaus: the Operations Bureau, the Administrative Bureau, and the Special Investigations Bureau.