Hudson Police Comfort Dog
Hello! My name is Haven and I am the Hudson Police Comfort Dog. I wanted to say hello and talk to you a little about my function as a Comfort Dog. I am mostly with my handler Master Patrolman Jason Downey at Memorial School as an assistant School Resource Officer. When I am not helping the kids at school getting through a bad day, anxiety, or just to say hello. I am always available for my other roles. These roles are to include providing interactions during investigations involving children or adults to reduce anxiety and increase communication, to provide comfort for people during times or crisis, and to provide aid and comfort to individuals and the community impacted by violence, tragedy or traumatic events. The goal, however, is to use Me; Haven during a crisis to assist citizens so police can more effectively provide assistance. I can also be used to aid first responders in times of need and help them maintain morale during difficult times. The program is not budgeted and is solely based off of donations.
If you would like to donate you can make a check out to the Town of Hudson New Hampshire and in the memo line write; "Comfort Dog"
If you see me around, don't hesitate to come up and say hello! I Love all the attention!!